A charming, EU subsidised, propaganda campaign against smokers that seems to specifically target children (the age for signing up to updates is 10, and it looks like something you'd see on Nickelodeon).
Now I'm not a fan of smoking personally. I understand the health risks, and so it's not something I'm keen on. I'm also happy with cutting smoking down in public places wherever possible, as no-one should inflict their vices on others. I can even understand the concept of educating children that smoking is bad - hey, it's a drain on all of our wallets when the NHS has to treat smoking-related illnesses, but THIS?
This is the first in a series of what promises to be 12 episodes about smoking. The next episode depicts a smoker as a hocky mask-wearing, chainsaw-weilding, blood-spattered character called 'serkill'. The tagline? 'How to get an evil smoker to quit'. I mean HONESTLY! Quite apart from the ridiculously OTT and offensive characterisation of a smoker (hey puffers, you're all serial killers dontchaknow), the EU is now taking it upon itself to tell us smoking is EVIL?! I wonder what the church thinks about that - no need for the New Testament; no need to trot up Mount Sinai for the Ten Commandments, oh no. From now on, we can just wait for a pronouncement from the literal geographic opposite of the lowlands of Brussels to inform on our morality. What's next? A 10-part series from the EU on how, y'know kids, you shouldn't covet your neighbour's ass and all?
HERE's an idea EU. No, seriously, I've got a good one for you! If you REALLY want to stop our children from smoking, or even cut down on adults smoking too, how about cutting some of the THREE HUNDRED MILLION EUROS* you set aside to subsidise tobacco and tobacco manufacturers in 2008. How about that eh? Rather than bombarding our youth with your offensive, nannying and over-expensive media campaigns?
(*figures from The TaxPayer's Alliance...)
Now I'm not a fan of smoking personally. I understand the health risks, and so it's not something I'm keen on. I'm also happy with cutting smoking down in public places wherever possible, as no-one should inflict their vices on others. I can even understand the concept of educating children that smoking is bad - hey, it's a drain on all of our wallets when the NHS has to treat smoking-related illnesses, but THIS?
This is the first in a series of what promises to be 12 episodes about smoking. The next episode depicts a smoker as a hocky mask-wearing, chainsaw-weilding, blood-spattered character called 'serkill'. The tagline? 'How to get an evil smoker to quit'. I mean HONESTLY! Quite apart from the ridiculously OTT and offensive characterisation of a smoker (hey puffers, you're all serial killers dontchaknow), the EU is now taking it upon itself to tell us smoking is EVIL?! I wonder what the church thinks about that - no need for the New Testament; no need to trot up Mount Sinai for the Ten Commandments, oh no. From now on, we can just wait for a pronouncement from the literal geographic opposite of the lowlands of Brussels to inform on our morality. What's next? A 10-part series from the EU on how, y'know kids, you shouldn't covet your neighbour's ass and all?
HERE's an idea EU. No, seriously, I've got a good one for you! If you REALLY want to stop our children from smoking, or even cut down on adults smoking too, how about cutting some of the THREE HUNDRED MILLION EUROS* you set aside to subsidise tobacco and tobacco manufacturers in 2008. How about that eh? Rather than bombarding our youth with your offensive, nannying and over-expensive media campaigns?
(*figures from The TaxPayer's Alliance...)