Monday, 24 November 2008

Little Boots - Stuck on Repeat. Oh my good GOD!

So I've been away for a looooong time - blame the pressures of work, some play, an 8-month old baby, and bands who keep dropping out of gigs I've arranged (damn them!)  I am, however, back on the blog...and back with an absolute corker for y'all.

Little Boots is one of my favourite artists at the moment.  Originally from Blackpool (a fact that sometimes comes out in endearing little Northern word pronunciations in her recordings), she's now firmly ensconced in London, and making some great music.  She does this little series called Funtimes on YouTube where she covers a track every week or so (check out her Tenori-On cover of 'Ready for the Floor' by Hot Chip here) and it's highly recommended.  However, the track I'm posting is her single 'Stuck on Repeat' from earlier in the year (February I think?) - It's produced by Hot Chip's own Joe Goddard, and...well...would you listen to that bassline?! There's a Fake Blood (DJ Touche) mix too which is nice, but I just love the original.  Like Madonna stepping out to disco with the Soulwax boys, this really is a belter.

Mother Flippin' loves you Little Boots!


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