What were you doing at 16? If you were anything like me, you were panicking about which A-levels to take, sneaking into under-age pubs (of which Cambridge had a wide array), and listening to Pulp. What you possibly weren't doing was surrounding yourself by a media-savvy array of agents, managers, label folk and songwriters, and making a determined assault on London's live scene; but then again, neither of us are Alex Roots...
Now I've been meaning to blog about this little lady for a while now, ever since we booked her to open for us at dancetillyoudie's 1st birthday party in Kilburn a couple of months ago and she attracted a hysteria akin to the start of 'A Hard Day's Night' (well....almost...) to be exact. Why do I bring her to your attention, you ask? Because she's a chuffing pop marvel, that's why!
Ploughing a furrow described by the Guardian as mid-way between Cyndi Lauper, Blondie, Katy Perry and Avril Lavigne, Alex and her co-writer (pop/RnB stalwart Ryan Laubscher) have crafted a selection of musical gems that seem sure to grace the Radio 1 playlist in the not too distant, from the faux thrash of 'Fake', to the Lauper-inspired 'Put Your Hands up' to the quite wonderful 'Dizzy from the Ride' (mother flippin's favourite), they are all belters.
(hat-tip to Sheena Beaston for the link to this megamix - you can also hear a couple of the tracks in full on her Good Groove artist page...)
Her debut album looks set to drop in the early part of 2009, released on the Good Groove imprint that brought Corinne Bailey Rae to the music-buying public. It sounds like they have another hit on their hands...
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