Friday, 13 March 2009

La Roux - In for the Kill (Twelves Remix)

A combination of two kinds of goodness on today's track.  Pretty much everyone will have heard of La Roux by now.  In the mix amongst most critics top 10 picks for 2009, Elly Jackson and Ben Langmaid's 80s-themed synth has been making hipsters throw (very angular) shapes across indie dancefloors for the past few months. 

Today's track is a remix of their new single 'In for the Kill' by Brasilian boys The Twelves.  The Twelves might be slightly less well-known, but they have a remix back catalogue that reads like a great and the good of hyped indie/electro crossover bands - Black Kids, New Young Pony Club, M.I.A, Asobi Seksu to name but a few - and they've played live with the likes of Justice, LCD Soundsystem, Diplo, and Van She.  They are currently on tour across the US and Australia, but a trip to UK shores can't be far away.

The track is a corker.  Slowing down the track slightly, and taking the bass out at the start, it's a touch hard on the ears (all that treble) - but once the beat comes in, it's absolutely ravetastic in a 'Last Days of Disco' kinda way.  If the club has a discoball, it needs to be on for this...


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